Coaching has become an increasingly popular tool in the past two decades, allowing people to take advantage of their unique strengths and reach their goals. The type of coaching you choose will depend on what you and your team hope to accomplish. No matter what type of training you decide on, you can expect better retention, well-being, and productivity. Adult development coaching focuses on the different stages of adult development. The coach must identify the leader's current stage and help them move towards a more mature understanding of authority and responsibility, as well as a greater tolerance for ambiguity.
Goal-oriented coaching is a common type of workplace training that many of us are familiar with. This approach is reflective rather than directive, but it still needs to achieve some development and reach a training goal.Adaptive coaching is a new way of thinking about coaching in the workplace. It involves understanding the context in which the leader is trained and helping them achieve tangible results in a short period of time. Strategic or business coaching is similar to consulting, helping leaders create a strategy for organizational growth.
It's important to set SMART goals before beginning any training program with a team member. If a problem from the past arises and it is seen that it is holding the person back significantly, it may be necessary to suspend counseling for a while so that the person can meet with a therapist or counselor and then return to the coach to continue life training. Adaptive coaching begins with understanding the details of the current situation and tasks involved, but before focusing on counseling for these tasks, it allows the coach to create clarity about the situation and collaboratively explore options. Any type of training can be done online, from wellness training to sales training or leadership training. Executive coaching is usually provided by coaches who operate from outside the organization and whose services are requested for an agreed duration or number of training sessions. Democratic coaching involves client suggestions but coaches still lead the way.
Providing advice at the executive level and linked to organizational objectives often results in better business results. SACAP offers a variety of accredited courses through the International Federation of Coaches (ICF) and aligned with COMENSA standards.